Bilingual School Specialized in Arts
We are honored by your interest in
Visual & Performing Arts Christian School!
You and your family will be impressed with our school and family atmosphere.
Choosing a school is an exciting and delicate process. Each student is the treasure of each father and mother, so we want to make sure that your treasure gets what he/she needs to develop in an integral way; academically, socially, spiritually and emotionally healthy.


pre school
Admissions VPA KiddoKidz
The preschool division, VPA KiddoKidz, has the following prerequisites:

Kindergarten and First
At these levels we focus on the student's literacy proficiency. It is not required to take the entrance exam. Tests will be given throughout the school year to assess the child's progress in reading and writing.

Second to Eighth
Students in grades two through eight who wish to begin studies at VPA School are expected to show proficiency in the reading and writing components corresponding to each level.
As a prerequisite for admission, students will take certain tests that will help us identify:
• Mastery level in the subjects of Mathematics, English, Spanish and Word Building
• Fundamental academic skills with lag
• Effective teaching strategies to achieve the objectives of the level
A minimum enrollment is required to open each level. Seventh and Eighth available in 2023-2024 subject to minimum enrollment reach. We do not contemplate offering the ninth level.

Special education
Nuestra institución no cuenta con la infraestructura ni con los recursos necesarios para ofrecer los servicios de Educación Especial. Es importante que todo padre, madre y/o encargado que su hijo (a) sea, o que en el transcurso del año escolar se identificado como estudiante de Educación Especial, se responsabilice por la prestación de los servicios que requiere el Programa Educativo Individualizado (PEI).
Todo padre, madre o encargado de un estudiante con Programa Educativo Individualizado deberá presentar evidencia escrita de este programa que indique que el menor puede integrarse y trabajar en una institución que funcione bajo corriente regular.
Además, es responsabilidad de los padres y/o encargado del menor proveerle y velar por que todos los servicios establecidos en el PEI sean provistos para su hijo(a), así como de cualquier otra responsabilidad otorgada para el cumplimiento de los servicios estipulados en el PEI.